Monday, November 23, 2015

Israel is Totalitarian Feminist Dictatorship!!

People around the world do not realize it, but Israel is totally controlled by a feminist dictatorship dominating all the main power positions in the court system, mass media, the police, the academy, welfare, legislation and politics. It's not just feminism but the most extreme, radical and powerful kind of Gender Feminism that dictates the entire country's agenda in ALL sectors of life effecting everybody from the simplest citizen to most senior government officials.

Everybody here is afraid of what known in Israel as "The Women's Groups" - literally THOUSANDS of different organizations and groups with unlimited funding coming both from the tax-payers (meaning HALF of everybody's income!), donations and routine cash flow from huge International foundations and organizations around the globe like the NIF (New Israel Fund).

All these powerful feminist women's groups not only abuse and display extreme cruelty and inhumanity to the Israeli male population – they also use their resources to spread very crude lies portraying the Israeli men, especially Jewish men, as brutal monsters – evil, religious fundamentalists, who oppress and abuse women. In reality, though, it is women who have their upper hand in all fields from education to military service, work place privileges, divorce and extra and special protection by the laws allowing ANY woman to accuse any man and almost automatically put him behind bars only by saying "He did that".

No real proof is ever needed. There are many females in senior positions in radio, internet and television that will use their power to protest against ANY case which a court does not act in favor of a woman. The judges are ALWAYS afraid of the women's organizations, as one exceptional retired judge, Shellie Teeman, recently came forward and said, after being a senior judge for 27 years.

As a matter of fact, the laws against sexual crimes in Israel are so extreme and pro-feminist that they even ignore women's consent, always blaming "The Patriarchy" for "allowing any man to sexually exploit any woman, including his wife". This is largely due to the influence of Feminist law theoretician Dr. Orit Kamir, who was a student of the famous American Feminist professor of law Catharine Mackinnon, who who has trouble telling the difference between heterosexual sex and rape.

Dr. Kamir actually formulated the laws that were passed in Israel's parliament with ZERO opposition and without the slightest doubt even being raised, be it from Left or Right.

In the next videos we will learn more about the TRUTH of the blood-soaked Gender War in Israel ...

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