Monday, December 7, 2015

The legal situation of falsely accused men

Lawyer Moran Samun explains about the difficult situation of Israeli men, suffering from false claims by women, especially in divorce cases. 
She say that in the long run, it would hurt and risk women and children who are TRUE victims of Domestic Violence:

" this era, sometimes the police doesn't really believe the women, that they actually having to go through this, and you have to explain yourself one more time, you have to experience the violence one more time, in the police, in court, because there are women who file false claims towards domestic and other violence".

Learn more about the HORRIFIC epidemic of false accusations in Israel:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Apparently, by the laws of state of Israel, a man is considered a rapist, a sex offender or a potential pedophile, that is obligated to prove himself innocent, if he intends to work with children. The Feminists here in Israel, succeeded at creating such a distorted reality, using fallacies and brain washing with fabricated and inflated statistics, saying for example that "1 out of 3 females will get sexually assaulted during her life", and by that, seemingly justifying suspicious filtering policy towards any person, only for being a male. 

A Woman by her nature is always considered pure, sainted, innocent, kind and goodhearted.

By the law called "the law for preventing employment of sex offenders in some institutions", only men are forced to provide an authorization from the police, proving they do not have a sexual conviction record, when they apply for a job to work with children. Women, on the other hand, get an explicit exempt from this demand, coming in a long line of privileges by the law, given to them only for being women, by systematically ignoring the facts about child abuse, a crime which women lead men by TWO thirds!

In reality, women do sexually abuse minors too, but it is the Israeli law, that does not allow to convict a female in crime of rape, because of tremendous pressure by Feminist organizations, using such an absurd claim that "it would enable rapist to accuse his victim of forcing him to penetrate her body".  By those organizations and especially the Association of rape crisis centers, the hell with children who get sexually abused by women! They just do
not exist! 

This discriminatory filtering policy is true not only for paid work but also for volunteering activity like Pay-Rach project, child tutoring in exchange for scholarship receiving program for college students: only male students are obligated to present documents from the police proving they are not sex offenders and also to sign a statement of commitment, "not to commit a sexual harassment". A Female student can tutor both male and female children, while a male student is allowed to tutor only boys.

This is in fact, is the proof of the biggest deceit by the feminist movement - shattering the illusion that in reality of gender equality, both men and women would be much more free and liberated, from strict rough boundaries and limitations, enforced by gender biased prejudice.

In fact, today we can see the entire opposite: as the Feminist organizations gain more power, and give women more freedom and opportunities to do anything they like, the exact same Feminists that care so much to liberate women, manage to limit men to such an extent of humiliation, so in cases of divorce, for example, a man will not be able to get a physical custody of his children, not to mention the chance of taking care of children who are not his own. As some Feminist politicians in Israel clearly say, that "giving child custody for fathers would increase the risk for children to be murdered"!

One of the primary manipulations used by Feminists, is the statistical fact that today, more than ever, male teachers are absent, especially in elementary schools. The feminists claim, the main reason for the overwhelming majority of women, in duties of child care and teaching, is because this profession seen as lower status job, with pitiable wages. 
But in the same time, those are the same Feminists that clearly and proudly prefer women, and they make sure that men will not be able to work with children, because of false rape data they keep spreading all the time, making it incredibly expensive for schools to insure male teachers against potential lawsuits, for potential sexual abuse and pedophilia, so they avoid hiring males from the beginning.

It seems that there is also an hidden reason for the aggressive way Feminists keep child caring duties, especially at young ages, by the hands of women only: the work with children has a long term effect on the next generations of future's citizens. Feminists keep brain washing helpless little children, using gender indoctrination, in order to define only women as authoritative figures. In practice, this is the exact careless policy, used many years and made Israel leading in one of the most unfortunate problem of Juvenile delinquency, because youngsters do not meet a positive and steady male rule models in their day to day life.

In general, the idea to demand from any person that is interested to work with children, to prove he or she did not hurt or abused a child in the past, it is in fact, a great idea, but the automatic exempt the state of Israel gives women, to release them from such a request, despite the terrible epidemic with so many cases of child abuse by female teachers and female caretakers, this is in fact a the most monstrous, ugly, sexist, problematic and extremely dangerous and harming for the long run, that will prevent any possibility to filter out and prevent abusive women, who already hurt children in the past, to return to the same job, "in order to protect their rights to earn a living", as courts DO actually claim in some cases, because sadly it is very clear, that children today became a play tools by the hands of evil men-hating Feminist women.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Judaism does NOT oppress women!!

Unlike the Feminist propaganda that keeps suggesting that the Jewish religion is Misogynist and biased against women, a deep analysis of it's true characteristics gives us an entirely different image as for how really women are treated by Jewish religion rules and guidelines, in compared to the Jewish Males.

As a matter of fact, there is much more evidence that these are Jewish men, who are enslaved, obligated, restricted and kept in the dark from any modern knowledge that can allow them to advance in their lives. Already at an early age, unlike the girls, Ultra-Orthodox boys are being forced to learn and study almost only religious education based on thousands year old outdated material, excluding mathematics, science, technology, foreign languages, literature, art and so on. Girls on the other hand learn EVERYTHING, and the universities and colleges in Israel, are literally fully crowded with Ultra-Orthodox female students.

It is a fact, that by the laws of Orthodox Judaism, that only men are obligated and forced to keep endless Mitz-Votes - religious directives, starting from waking up early in the morning, at 5 and sometimes at 4 o'clock a.m. to go pray at the synagogue, 3 times a day. In holidays or special occasions they can find themselves praying for most of the day, sometimes without eating or drinking. Although women do have some religious directives about praying and candle-lighting, they can easily escape it without getting punished or being intimidated that they would be prevented from going to heaven at afterlife.

There is also the custom to circumcise 8 days old male babies (called Brit Milla), a custom that in fact does not make any sense, because by Judaism rules, a person is declared a Jew as long as his mother is a Jew!

Actually, the TRUE purpose of the circumcision, is actually to weaken the male sexual organ, and limit it's sensual sensation in order to prevent and prohibit masturbation, as it is clearly declared by ancient Jewish wise men like the Rambam in the Thirteenth century. 
This custom is done so badly to every single male born in Israel, many times causing serious injury and irreversible damage to the boy's genitals. Sometimes there is even a risk of death because of infection or blood loss.  

In the last decade there were several very powerful and aggressive campaigns, dealing with the segregation by sex, that is very accepted and wanted both by men and women in ultra-orthodox communities. 

Those campaigners, coming both from the radical left, international organizations like the New Israel Fund and the reform Jewish movement, manipulate the facts, and make the wide public believe as it is only directed against women, and done in order to "exclude women from the public domain", by totally bluring the fact that in those communites, the segregation by sex is always symmetrical.

New Jewish Religious Feminists even call it "An Apartheid against women", comparing it to the situation of the black people in the history of America and South Africa. As a matter of fact, there is no such a thing, space for men only, without the same equivalent for women only in all fields from mid rashot, praying rooms, schools, gym rooms, social clubs, beaches and countless events and conferences preserved for women only, many times exceeding the amount of the space kept for men only. 

We know for a fact, an exemplary story about an old man that accompanied his niece to such a women only religious class, and was forced to wait outside, under heavy rain, for no less than two hours!

One manipulation for example, targets the prohibition for Jewish males from listening to singing voice of females, describing it no less than hatred for women, while in reality, the religious rule sais that by hearing singing female voice, "man would get sexually aroused", because it is only men who always must be tamed, under strict continuous control and supervision. A Failure in doing so, will serverly punish only the male, but never the female, "by God's wrath".  In reality there are female singers in the ultra-orthodox communities, but their audience always consists of women only. 

The same rule is true for religious men looking at women who are not their wives: only the men are obligated to "keep their eyes", even when half or a quarter naked lady is passing nearby in the street. If the man fails to cover his eyes - by the rules of Judaism, God will punish him, NOT her. NEVER.

This is actually how from a very young age the boys are kept under control by fear, sanctions and punishments, under total psychological mind control, while girls are told they are more mature and wiser than the boys, have perfected souls and superior minds, that they are noble and royalty, and that NOBODY can ever force them to do anything without their own free will and conscience, coming deeply from their hearts. 

The IDF - Israel Defence Force, clearly discriminates against religious males, punishing them severely for demanding not to be forced into service mixed with women, or to listen to females singing in ceremonies, while it is in fact the military's rules itself, that allow and enable both males and females who are religious, to serve under strict sergragation by sex. In practice, because of the influence and control by the Feminist organizations, the media and many anti Religious political parties, only the religious female soldiers are allowed to fulfill and get their religious sensitivity being recognized and respected.

The story about Jewish women being oppressed and chained by dark and evil rules of marriage and divorce, and that the "rabbinical courts allow and permit husbands to refuse to sign their wife's divorce certificate", called the GETT, is full of lies and half-truths, since the Rabbinical courts can practically imprison a man for unlimited time, because of his refusal, and just like in the dark-ages, he will not even be held in a normal prison cell, but in solitary confinement, until he agrees to sign, and "set his wife free", so she can get married again, while all his obligations, as regards child support, alimony, and assets division, remain in place.

There was actually only one case in the entire history of Israel, in which a woman was sent to prison for refusing to receive the GETT, but she was released immediately because of the protest and intervention of the media, the women's organizations and Feminist politicians.

The powerful coalition of thousands of Feminist organizations and groups in Israel, that includes many religious women groups, manipulate and take advantage of very outdated and archaic religious rules to protect only women's rights and privileges, totally abolishing any obligations or sanctions that would be carried against women who fail in their duties as mothers and faithful wives, as the rules originally intended.

The best example for this controlled discrimination in favor of women, is a law called "Ha Gill Ha Rach" - The Tender Years Presumption, that is based on an old Jewish religious rule, and allows women to automatically get physical custody of their children, if they are under the age of 6. 

It is in fact only half of the original law, that in ancient history did reserve some rights for the fathers. Today this rule is applied to children at much higher ages, keeping the mothers as the sole custodial parent, and leaving the fathers only the obligation to financially support their children, even if the fathers are ill, physically or mentally disabled and cannot work or find a job. As for example, one judge said to an unemployed father in divorce: "I Don't care how you get the money for child support, you can go sell an organ from your body!".

In Israel, the burden for paying alimony and child support falls solely on the men, and it exceeds the man's monthly income, sometimes by 100 or 200 percent, even in cases when the woman is working and earns much more money. The mother, is NEVER held legally responsible for taking care of any of her child's needs such as food, clothing, lodging, school bills and so on. All of this is because of ancient Jewish religious based rules, that all the Feminist organizations in Israel keep demanding should never be changed even slightly, while aggressively blocking any attempt even to question these laws. Keep in mind the fact, that these are the exactly same Feminists, who are always saying that Jewish religion discriminates against women...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Epidemic of False Accusations in Israel

Between 150 to 200 divorced men commit suicide each year in Israel, a population of 3.5 Million men and total of about 400 suicide cases every year, after being tortured in the most brutal ways by the family law courts, stripped away from all their most basic human rights and literally thrown out to the streets by automatic restraining orders their wives receive from the courts, only by saying they feel "unsafe". They get ripped apart from their most beloved children, knowing they may never see them again.

We are NOT talking here about rare or marginal cases but actually every single guy that suddenly finds himself one day targeted by his ex-wife's ambition to "re-start her life" and literally ERASES him from her life environment, as well as their childrens'. It happens to thousands of Israeli men, some of them are very wealthy and successful with leading careers in high technology or senior business management. No one is immune to this system.

In one single day their whole world collapses and all the years of their hard work go down to the drain. Left alone, homeless and speechless, these men suddenly realize they are not even second class citizens, but the most inferior low lives, that nobody in the system cares or bothers to recognize or even look at them, as if they just "do not exist"!! She gets EVERYTHING, he gets NOTHING! 

There was one popular television sit-com called ram-zore, that made fun of the subject in one episode by showing a place called "the dog house" (Ha-Me-lo-Nah), offering cheap rent to divorced men in a garbage or junk warehouse, after their ex-wives kicked them out of their house. The sad part is that in reality, the situation is much worse.

As we were saying before, Israel is dominated by extremely powerful and well funded Feminist organizations and they offer and give all their FREE legal support, consultation and escort to any woman that decide or being convinced to "throw your man out!", as one Radio Psychologist host, Varda Razziel, use to say on air, to women calling her show. 

All a woman has to do, to win these privileges, is to fill false accusations in a police complaint against the man that just recently was her most beloved husband. 

MANY lawyers, speciallized in representing women in divorce, practically teach and guide them how to be creative, manipulate and being able to turn any little argument and quarrel into an imaginary story such as "he is  threatening my life"! 
There is NO limit to what a woman can invent and dramatize about her husband, including for example, a heart breaking story about a man, being violent and potentially dangerous to his wife by throwing a box of cheese on the floor!

EVERYBODY in the system is automatically on the woman's side, especially the welfare system, dominated by over 90 percent women, social workers that tend to believe by ideological basis that women never lie and men are dangerous and violent by their nature, and should be kept away for their wives' and childrens' safety, despite the well known fact, that in most cases of child abuse, it is women, not men, who abuse their children.

Now, the most tricky part is that in Israel, women will NEVER be held legally responsible to conviction in crime of false accusation and misleading the court because of a special instruction in the law, made back in 1998 by judge Edna Arbell, when she was the chief state attorney.

By this instruction, in cases of domestic violence and sexual crimes that include rape and sexual harassment,  the court should and must exempt legal responsibility from any woman who will be discovered providing false statements in the police and in court, even when she freely and willingly admits, saying: "I was lying all along". 

We are told that the rational behind this comprehensive instruction is that by punishing women, who fill out false accusations against men, we would scare away women who are true victims of rape and domestic violence.

But in reality, of course, this instruction is the governmental approval tool, allowing the epidemic of women filling false accusations, at such high rates, believed by true experts to be more than 50 percent of the complains on domestic violence.

Israel is Totalitarian Feminist Dictatorship!!

People around the world do not realize it, but Israel is totally controlled by a feminist dictatorship dominating all the main power positions in the court system, mass media, the police, the academy, welfare, legislation and politics. It's not just feminism but the most extreme, radical and powerful kind of Gender Feminism that dictates the entire country's agenda in ALL sectors of life effecting everybody from the simplest citizen to most senior government officials.

Everybody here is afraid of what known in Israel as "The Women's Groups" - literally THOUSANDS of different organizations and groups with unlimited funding coming both from the tax-payers (meaning HALF of everybody's income!), donations and routine cash flow from huge International foundations and organizations around the globe like the NIF (New Israel Fund).

All these powerful feminist women's groups not only abuse and display extreme cruelty and inhumanity to the Israeli male population – they also use their resources to spread very crude lies portraying the Israeli men, especially Jewish men, as brutal monsters – evil, religious fundamentalists, who oppress and abuse women. In reality, though, it is women who have their upper hand in all fields from education to military service, work place privileges, divorce and extra and special protection by the laws allowing ANY woman to accuse any man and almost automatically put him behind bars only by saying "He did that".

No real proof is ever needed. There are many females in senior positions in radio, internet and television that will use their power to protest against ANY case which a court does not act in favor of a woman. The judges are ALWAYS afraid of the women's organizations, as one exceptional retired judge, Shellie Teeman, recently came forward and said, after being a senior judge for 27 years.

As a matter of fact, the laws against sexual crimes in Israel are so extreme and pro-feminist that they even ignore women's consent, always blaming "The Patriarchy" for "allowing any man to sexually exploit any woman, including his wife". This is largely due to the influence of Feminist law theoretician Dr. Orit Kamir, who was a student of the famous American Feminist professor of law Catharine Mackinnon, who who has trouble telling the difference between heterosexual sex and rape.

Dr. Kamir actually formulated the laws that were passed in Israel's parliament with ZERO opposition and without the slightest doubt even being raised, be it from Left or Right.

In the next videos we will learn more about the TRUTH of the blood-soaked Gender War in Israel ...